Settimana dell'innovazione nello sviluppo rurale 26-29 marzo 2019: i contributi
Finanziamenti europei a gestione regionale
Tutti i bandi, le opportunità e le informazioni riguardanti i fondi europei: Fondo Sociale Europeo, Programma di Sviluppo rurale, Programma interregionale marittimo, ecc.Settimana dell'innovazione nello sviluppo rurale 26-29 marzo 2019: i contributi
Presentazioni / Event presentations
26th March 2019
Session 1 - The role of Rural Development Programme in fostering innovation.
A perspective from the Tuscany Region RDP 2014-2020 experience and from other European Regions
Il Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 della Regione Toscana: stato di attuazione e prospettive post 2020, Roberto Scalacci
In English: The Tuscany Rural Development Programme 2014-2020: Implementation and perspective post 2020,
Workshop 1 - Connect Rural Development and the Smart Specialisation Strategy
- Tuscany RIS3, Emanuele Fabbri
Smart AGRI, Laura Bartalucci
Workshop 2 - Improving the regional knowledge and innovation system (AKIS)
Migliorare il sistema regionale di consocenza e innovazione, Fausta Fabbri
in English: Improving the regional knowledge and innovation system
Workshop 3 - Promote cooperation and EIP AGRI
Innovazione nel Psr della Toscana, Fabio Fabbri
In English: Innovation in the Tuscany RDP
27th March 2019
Session 2 - "Thematic S3 Platform for Agri-Food" Working Committee Semi Annual Meeting
Presentations are available at this link:
Session 3 - Rosewood H2020 project "Business Development Seminar" Business idea creation workshops - 4th Rosewood Southern Hub Meeting.
Presentations based on the most promising Hub Best Practices:
La Forêt Bouge. An innovative tool for forest owners, Gregoire Gonthier (CRPF Aquitaine)
FORLOG. Good Forest Practices and Innovations to meet increased demand for wood, Richard Emeyriat (Forêt Logistique Conseil)
Contracts AGRESTA, FAFCYLE & E-Monte, Nacho Campanero (Cesefor)
- Eco-Energy. The challenge of a forest company that has chosen to grow and qualify, Simone Baglioni & Massimo Bidini (Eco-Energy Company)
- Forest Sharing, Yamuna Gianbastiani & Francesca Giannetti (Bluebiloba Spin-Off of the University of Florence)
FMMF wood trademark & Portable Grading Machine, Dario Paletta (Trademark management team) & Michele Brunetti (CNR Ivalsa)
Metsää, from Finland. Nacho Campanero (Cesefor)
- Wood Chain Manager from Slovenia. Nacho Campanero (Cesefor)
Session 5 - ERIAFF Annual Conference: the European Region for Innovation in Agriculture, Food and Forestry
Presentation of regional experiences in multi-fund programming approaches and strategies
Strategy for the Digital Transformation of the Agrifood Value Chain, Judit Anda Ugarte, Andalusia Regional Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development. Vice Minister's Technical Counsellor
- Connecting EIP AGRI Operational Groups to H2020 projects, the experience of Pays de la Loire, Nicolas Fegeant, Vegepolys, Pays de la Loire
- Agtech2030 Programme, Thomas Hogman, Östergötland Region
- AGRETIC Programme, Cécile Guyon, Bretagne Development Innovation (BDI)
- Smart Digital Farming Programme, Diederik Van Damme, ILVO, Flanders
- Multi-funding experiences in in boosting natural product development, Ilari Havukainen, Regional Council of Lapland
28th March 2019 Parallel Workshops
Forest Innovation/Bioregions
- European Forested Regions. Working Group introductory presentation Risto Poutiainen, North Karelia Region, Finland, Alvaro Picardo Nieto, Castilla y Leon, Spain
- KEY NOTE SPEECH – Bioeconomy Strategy & Action Plan, Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy Giovanni Federigo De Santi, Director for Sustainable Resources, JRC, European Commission
- MontBioeco – Synthesis on bioeconomy monitoring systems in the EU Member States – indicators for monitoring the progress of bioeconomy Markus Lier, Natural Resources Institute Finland
- North Karelia: status quo and bioeconomy strategy drafting process Risto Poutiainen, Region Mayor, Regional Council of North Karelia
- Towards a 2030 Bioeconomystrategy in Catalonia Antoni Trasobares, CTFC (Centre de Ciència i Tecnologia Forestal de Catalunya)
R&D in thermochemical and biochemical biomass conversion at RE-CORD David Chiaramonti, RE-CORD and CREAR/DIEF, University of Florence
- European Network of Regions On SustainablE WOOD mobilisation. A European project to connect actors in wood mobilisation around sustainability practices. Alvaro Picardo Nieto, Asesor de la Dirección General del Medio Natural, Junta de Castilla y Leon
Technical meeting of the S3 Partnership High Tech Farming
- Interregional pilot business case on Digital Platform for agritech solutions Dr. Els Van de Velde, Expert, IDEA Consult, Fabio Boscaleri, Policy Officer, Tuscany Region
- Connsensys Project Gus Verhaeghe, Flandersfood
- AI4AGRICULTURE / SmartAgriHubs Diederik Van Damme, ILVO
- CLIMATE KIC Remco Kranendonk, Wageningen Environmental Research
- Pilot case FRESHFRUIT Philippos Papadopoulus, Director of Strategic Project Management Office American Farm School
- Pilot case PODUR Els Van de Velde, Cecile Guyon, Jos Berkvens
Personalised Nutrition Value Networks
Working Group introductory presentation Region of Central Macedonia
Presentation of related technologies mapping, Ioannis Spandos, Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Development Fund
- Analysis of the mapping results with interregional research and development assets, Ioannis Spandos, Region of Central Macedonia, Regional Development Fund
Social Innovation
- Social farming in the Marche Region: the experiences of "AGRINIDO", ACTIVE AGEING, "ORTOINCONTRO", SOCIAL HORTICOLTURE ACTIVITIES IN PRISON Roberto Luciani – Marche Region, Agri-food Policies Department
- Promotion of active ageing through activities in rural settings: monitoring and trial results Cristina Gagliardi – Coordinator of the Active Ageing project, INRCA - National Institute of Health and Sciences on Ageing
- Social Agricolture in Tuscany Rural Development Program Silvia Anichini – Tuscany Region
- New and innovative activities in Marche Region Social Farming Cristina Martellini, AICARE (Italian Agency for Responsible and Ethic Countryside and Agriculture)
- Experience from Master degree on Social agriculture at Marche Polytecnic University Gianfranco Romanazzi/Francesca Chieti/Laura Appignanesi – Marche Polytechnic University
- Horticulture Network. Working Group introductory presentation Lieve Prins, Province of South-Holland, NL, Marga Vintges, Greenport West-Holland, NL
- Building a Horticulture network Europe Marga Vintges, Greenport West-Holland, NL
ERIAFF Communication WG
- Communication Working Group Irene Palomino, FUNDECYT-PCTEX, Spain
29th March 2019
VISIT 1 - Horticulture pathway
Introduction to Vannucci Piante - the characteristics and dimensions of the Ornamental nursery sector in Pistoia in the context of National and European nursery sector.
Luca Incrocci, University of Pisa - Emilio Resta, Vannucci Piante
- IRRIGO Project - Sustainable irrigation in ornamental plants nurseries in container - measure 124 of the Tuscany RDP 2007-2013 Luca Incrocci, University of Pisa - Versione Italiano
- VIAA Project - Innovative plant nursery for high adaptability products - submeasure 16.2 of the Tuscany RDP 2014-2020 Barbara Mariotti, University of Florence
- The Strategic Plan of the AUTOFITOVIV Operational Group Emilio Resta, Vannucci Piante
VISIT 2 – Forest pathway
- The management of Tuscany Region Forest Property and the Forest Workers Training Center, managed by the Union of Municipalities of Valdarno and Valdisieve(UCVV) Antonio Ventre, UCVV and FMMF Board Council
- The Montagne Fiorentine Model Forest Association (FMMF), like new approach for the sustainable development of rural areas Stefano Berti, CNR IVALSA and FMMF President
VISIT 3 – Precision agriculture pathway
- Tenute Ruffino: L'innovazione in Azienda e la Viticoltura di Precisione (Gretole farm and Ruffino group in the Tuscany wine sector. Innovation and precision viticulture) Luca Cavallaro, Ruffino (solo in Italiano)
- Viticoltura di Precisione nelle Tenute Ruffino (Application of Precision Viticulture in the Gretole and Santedame farms, with discussion on technical objectives and innovative practices) Paolo Carnevali, AGER ((solo in Italiano)
- Progetto KATTIVO - Piano strategico per lo sviluppo di un Kit per la modifica di Atomizzatori in grado di eseguire Trattamenti con Tecnologia Innovativa a dose Variabile Ottimizzata (KATTIVO Project, objectives and partnerships), Paolo Carnevali, AGER, Marco Vieri, University of Florence (solo in Italiano)
- OENOSMART – Tuscany Living Lab on AgriSmart Digital Platform, Marco Vieri, University of Florence