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Bibliografia di scritti di biblioteconomia sul tema "Uso non-uso delle biblioteche pubbliche"


Agnoli, Antonell. Le piazze del sapere : biblioteche e libertà. - Roma ; Bari : Laterza, 2009. - XII, 172 p., [8] c. di tav. : ill. ; 21 cm

Seminario regionale I consumi culturali e le biblioteche, 5 marzo 2009, Biblioteca civica di Abano Terme (PD),

Marchitelli, Andrea, Le biblioteca nella percezione degli utenti. I risultati di tre indagini di OCLC, «AIB notizie», 20 (2008), n. 4, p. 13-14.

La Torre, Pasquale - Tassara, Federica. La misura degli utenti, Biblioteche oggi, 2008 - n. 9, p. 40-42

Solimine, Giovanni. Leggere dentro i dati sulla lettura in Italia, Bollettino AIB, 2/3 2008, p. 233-248

Grassi, Riccardo. I consumi culturali dei giovani italiani nei rapporti IARD. «Economia della cultura», 18 (2008), n. 1, p. 27-37

Rasetti, Maria Stella. Eccellenza in biblioteca. «Giornale della libreria», n. 11(2008), p. 62-64

Cicerchi, Annalisa. I giovani fra creatività e consumi culturali. «Economia della cultura», 18 (2008), n. 1, p. 7-14

Parise, Stefano. Quando la biblioteca fa la differenza: il caso di Vernate, piccolo centro del milanese. (Piccole biblioteche crescono). «Biblioteche oggi», 26 (2008), n. 8, p. 33-37

Veloce, Valeria - Stefanini, Gianni. Ripensare il profilo di comunità. «Biblioteche oggi», 26 (2008), n. 8, p. 23-30

Moeschler, Olivier - Fontaines de connaissance » ou « musées du livre » ?... Les bibliothèques municipales selon leurs non-usagers, Revue électronique suisse de science de l'information, n. 6 (2007)

Centralità del servizio: la customer satisfaction nelle biblioteche: atti del convegno, 9 maggio 2006 / a cura di Sandro Apis e Anna Maria Della Fornace. Roma: Associazione italiana biblioteche, Sezione Marche, 2007

Di Domenico, Giovanni. Note sulla valutazione d'impatto delle biblioteche. «Culture del testo e del documento», n. 24 (2007), p. 91-104, poi in Biblioteconomia e culture organizzative: la gestione responsabile della biblioteca / Giovanni Di Domenico. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2009, p. 99-129

La soddisfazione degli utenti in biblioteca: obiettivi e metodologie di valutazione. In: Biblioteconomia: principi e questioni / a cura di Giovanni Solimine e Paul Gabriele Weston. Roma: Carocci, 2007. (Beni culturali; 31), p. 145-166, poi in Biblioteconomia e culture organizzative: la gestione responsabile della biblioteca / Giovanni Di Domenico. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2009, p. 59-98

Ventura, Roberto. User satisfaction e personalizzazione: quale rapporto / Roberto Ventura. In:La biblioteca su misura: verso la personalizzazione del servizio / a cura di Claudio Gamba e Maria Laura Trapletti. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 2007. (Il cantiere biblioteca; 16), p. 92-118

Farnam Dudden, Rosalinda. Using benchmarking, needs assessments, quality improvement outcome measurement, and library standards: a how-to-do-it manual with CD-ROM.. Neal-Schuman, 2007. (How-to-do-it manuals for librarians ; 159) –
BIBLIO 027.662 DUD

Ventura, Roberto. La valutazione della biblioteca pubblica: problematiche e strumenti di misurazione dell'impatto culturale, sociale ed economico. «Bollettino AIB», 47 (2007), n. 3, p. 291-327, riassunto

Strong, Gary E.. If we change it - will they come?. Reference Services Review, n. 3 (2006), pp. 333-339

Revelli, Carlo. Chi è il pubblico e cosa vuole?. Biblioteche oggi, 2005 - n. 9, p. 58-62

Dalla misurazione dei servizi alla customer satisfaction: la valutazione della qualità nel Sistema bibliotecario di ateneo dell'Università di Firenze / a cura di Roberto Ventura; testi di Silvana Benedetti, Eleonora Giusti, Francesca Landi, M. Giulia Maraviglia, Chiara Melani, Roberto Ventura. Firenze: Firenze University Press, 2004. 264 p. ISBN 88-8453-147-0
BIBLIO 027.745 511 DAL

I giovani, il libro, la multimedialità: indagine sui comportamenti di lettura e l'uso delle tecnologie della comunicazione / a cura di Giovanni Solimine. Roma: Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2004. 86 p. (Quaderni di Libri e riviste d'Italia; 54). ISBN 88-240-2008-9
Premessa di Francesco Sicilia. Riguarda i ragazzi delle scuole medie e delle superiori

Comunicare la biblioteca: nuove strategie di marketing e modelli di interazione / a cura di Ornella Foglieni. Milano: Ed. Bibliografica, 2002. 220 p. (Il cantiere biblioteca; 10). ISBN 88-7075-566-5

Il mestiere di leggere: istruzioni per l'uso / a cura di Stefano De Martin e Patrizia De Pasquale. [Scandicci (FI)]: Istituzione servizi culturali del Comune di Scandicci, 2001. 60 p.: ill.
Sottotitolo in copertina: una ricerca/intervento con gli studenti degli istituti superiori di Scandicci e Firenze. Cont. Sergio Staino, Libernauta. Introduzioni (S. De Martin, Le ragioni di un progetto, di una ricerca, di un concorso letterario, di una biblioteca al centro della comunità. P. De Pasquale, Viaggio di una bibliotecaria alla scoperta della "tribù dei non leggenti"). Ricerca (Maria Grazia Ferrari, Leggere: gioia e "dolore": le opinioni di alcuni giovani sulla lettura). Riflessioni (Paola Zannoner, Non leggo, anzi leggo. Giulia Cerrone, E se leggere a scuola fosse anche una piacevole scoperta?: il punto di vista di un'insegnante). Appendice (S. De Martin, Identikit adolescenti)
BIBLIO 028.535 MES

Les bibliothèques municipales et leurs publics : pratiques ordinaires de la culture / Anne-Marie Bertrand ... [et al.] ; préface de Jean-François Hersent. - Paris : Bibliothèque publique d'information, c2001. - 286 p. ; 22 cm
BIBLIO 027.444 BIB

Girard-Billon, Aline - Hersent, Jean-François. Les non-usagers des bibliothèques parisiennes, BBF 1998, p. 43-44, n. 5

Girard-Billon, Aline - Hersent, Jean-François. Les usagers des bibliothèques parisiennes, bbf 1998, p. 43-44, n. 5

Galluzzi, Anna. La valutazione delle biblioteche pubbliche: dati e metodologie delle indagini in Italia. Firenze : Olschki, 1999. - 261 p ; 21 cm
BIBLIO 027.445 GAL

Biblioteche: un percorso ad ostacoli: inchiesta in 22 città italiane. «Altroconsumo», n. 113 (feb. 1999), p. 4-9
I servizi offerti dalle biblioteche pubbliche italiane visti dal punto di vista dei lettori, con particolare attenzione agli orari, all'aggiornamento delle collezioni, alle possibilità di prestito e all'accessibilità per le persone disabili. Vedi anche la nota di Alessandro Sardelli, Quando la qualità è statica, «Bibelot», 5 (1999) n. 1, p. 7

Ferrieri, Luca. La promozione della lettura in biblioteca : modelli e strategie in un'indagine sulle biblioteche pubbliche. Milano : Bibliografica, 1996. - 170 p. ; 24 cm
BIBLIO 028.809 45 FER

Carotti, Claudio. Alla ricerca del lettore "sperduto". (Biblioteche). «La rivisteria, librinovità», n. 54 (mar. 1996), p. 34
Un recente convegno (Castelfiorentino, 12-13 ottobre 1995) ha posto all'attenzione dei bibliotecari la necessità di trasformare la biblioteca

Di Domenico, Giovanni. Progettare la user satisfaction. (Argomenti). «Biblioteche oggi», 14 (1996) n. 9, p. 52-65
Come la biblioteca efficace gestisce gli aspetti immateriali del servizio

A proposito del 4 per cento: quale uso viene fatto delle biblioteche pubbliche? (Attualità). «Giornale della libreria», 109 (1996) n. 9, p. 37-38
Con una premessa di G. P. [Giovanni Peresson]. 4,5% è la percentuale di intervistati che in una recente indagine hanno dichiarato di stare leggendo un libro preso in prestito da una biblioteca

Di Benedetto, Claudio. Quando le biblioteche vanno in cerca di nuovi pubblici. (Biblioteche pubbliche). «Biblioteche oggi», 14 (1996) n. 8, p. 10-11
Un anno dopo: i meriti di un convegno "fuori di sé". Con una nota di M. B. [Massimo Belotti], Fuori di sé, cioè normali, p. 10

La biblioteca vista dall'utente / Carlo Revelli, Biblioteche oggi, 1995 - n. 9, p. 50

Biblioteca aperta: guida alla conoscenza e all'uso delle biblioteche / a cura di Angela Adriana Cavarra. [S. l.]: Il geroglifico, 1992. 95 p.: ill.
In testa al front.: Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Ufficio centrale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali

Bertolucci, Paola - Quaquero, Angela Maria, Una campagna regionale promozionale all'uso della biblioteca. In: I servizi della biblioteca e l'utente [1988/91], p. 128-138
Campagna promossa dalla Regione Sardegna sull'offerta dei servizi da parte delle biblioteche. Analisi di situazioni locali sulle tipologie dei lettori

Di Majo, Sandra, Analisi ed indagini sull'utenza. In: I servizi della biblioteca e l'utente [1988/91], p. 139-147
Su alcuni problemi metodologici


Selezione di articoli da LISA: Library and information science abstracts, in ordine cronologico inverso

Non-use of library services by students in a UK Academic Library
Toner, Lisa Jane
Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, vol. 3, no. 2, pp.
18-31, 2008
Non use; User services; College libraries; UK
Objective: This study examined low or non-use of the library at St.
Martin's College, UK and determined the possible reasons for this.
Additionally, this study investigated the other sources of information
non-users were accessing. The results were then fed into the library's
future strategic planning cycle. Results: The findings showed that
students in part-time and distance learning courses were the largest
group of non-users. Other factors influencing non-use included the
purchase of books, use of the Internet, and a lack of awareness of
services available. Conclusions: The library service needs to target
non-traditional student groups, particularly those taught off-campus,
with innovative induction techniques. This survey highlighted the need
to embed information skills teaching into the curriculum and a recent
restructure of the department has enabled this to happen with a more
focused approach to academic liaisonship. Adapted from the document.
Resource Location

A case for professional level staffing for microforms.
Madsen, Debora
Microform & Imaging Review, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 103-104, Jun 2006
Library materials; Microforms; Non use; Academic libraries; Staffing
levels; Access to materials; Cataloguing; Promotion; Preservation;
User training; Use statistics; Professional staff
Looks at the current status of microform collections in academic
libraries. Argues that, although microform collections can be rich
resources for students and researchers, these collections suffer from
poor accessibility and are underutilized through lack of promotion,
mainly as a result of inadequate staffing levels in many libraries.
Illustrates how the appointment of a professional librarian at Hale
Library, Kansas State University led to immediate improvements in the
microform unit. By rescheduling tasks, time was freed up for microform
related work, such as cataloguing resources, promoting collections
amongst faculty, students and subject librarians, providing
instruction, addressing preservation issues and setting up usage
statistics. Concludes that only a professional level of staffing can
make sure that microform collections remain a vital part of any
research library.

Social inclusion and the City of Swan public libraries in Western
Lockyer-Benzie, Maureena
Health Information and Libraries Journal; 21 (Supplement 2) Sep 2004,
Public libraries; Social exclusion; Australia; Western Australia;
Libraries; User satisfaction; Non use; Public libraries; Australia;
User surveys
The focus of this paper is on an understanding of social exclusion
/inclusion: the concept and how a specific public library service,
namely the City of Swan Public Library service, has responded to this
social issue. The terms social inclusion/exclusion are explored and
clarified from an international, Western Australian State Government,
and public library perspective. This is followed by a brief overview
of Western Australia as an Australian state, and how public libraries
operate based on a partnership with the State Library of Western
Australia and Local Government. The City of Swan Public Libraries are
described in some depth and also portrayed in their local setting
namely the City of Swan, a city of extensive growth that offers a
unique environment of both rural and urban areas. The concept of
social inclusion is then applied to the City of Swan Public Library
service and how the library service addresses social inclusion within
its physical environment, policies, operations, future planning,
programmes and services. This includes the results of a Library
Non-user Survey that was conducted in 2001. The aims of this survey
were to: ascertain why non-users within the City of Swan do not make
use of the library facilities; explore why past members were not using
the library services; examine the effectiveness of library promotions;
and investigate the access to and usage of the Internet. The paper
concludes with a list of the potential social conditions of which
public libraries need to be aware in their strategic planning
activities so that community members are not excluded from
participating and accessing the public library service. (Original

Investigating non-use of libraries in the UK using the mass-
observation archive
McNicol, Sarah
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science; 36 (2) Jun 2004,
Libraries; User behaviour; Non use; Users; Public; Evaluation; Mass
observation; Public libraries; UK; User surveys
The Mass-Observation Archive at the University of Sussex sends regular
"directives" to its panel of volunteer correspondents around the UK
asking them to reflect on various issues relating to the day-to-day
lives of ordinary people. Two directives from the 1980s and 1990s
relate to libraries, books and reading habits. These sets of written
responses are valuable resources for library history and information
science researchers because they include the opinions of non-users,
which are notoriously difficult to obtain using conventional research
methods. The use of such an approach may help to counter some of the
criticisms of current library history practices as being outmoded and
irrelevant. Not only is library history undervalued by historians, it
is also frequently dismissed within the LIS field in general. Linking
library history to issues of current concern, such as non-users, may
create opportunities to demonstrate the relevance of library history
more widely. This article reports on the findings of a study of the
directive responses, focusing on non-use of libraries, and highlights
the implications for librarians and library historians. (Original

An e-solution
Kerr, G
Scottish Libraries; 15 (5) 2001, p.16-17
Libraries; Use; Non use; Public libraries; West Lothian, Scotland;
User surveys; Use for; Electronic mail
Describes the work undertaken by West Lothian Libraries, Scotland, to
follow up a Bertelsmann Foundation funded project, which investigated
the extent of lapsed public library readers, to develop a technique
for tracking such lapsed readers on a regular basis and contacting
them by electronic mail.

Non use of business libraries and information services: a study of the
library and information managers' perception, experience and reaction
to non use
Brick, L
Aslib Proceedings; 51 (6) Jun 1999, p.195-205
Business libraries; Non use; Research; Company libraries
Describes a survey of 54 information managers in business companies on
their perception, experience and reaction to non use. The study found
that non use is widespread. The most commonly perceived cause of non
use was a lack of awareness of the services' capabilities. A
significant majority of the managers had a positive attitude to non
use and were worried about the extent of non users. Some tackled non
use head on and implemented remedial treatment but less than a third
could identify their non users. Stresses that a positive attitude to
tackling the non user will only bear fruit if it is converted into a
reality and becomes an integral part of the information managers'
marketing strategy. (Original abstract - amended)

Library lapsed-users survey
British Library. Research and Innovation Report; (166) 1999, p.81-3
Libraries; Use; Lapsed users; Public libraries; Sandwell, UK; User
surveys; Non use
Article included in Perspectives of public library use 2. A compendium
of survey information: the second in an annual series of collected
papers, published by Loughborough University, Library and Information
Statistics Unit (LISU) and Book Marketing Ltd, bringing together the
results of surveys (published and unpublished) collecting information
about different aspects of UK public libraries. Reports results of a
questionnaire survey, conducted by the library staff of Sandwell
Community Libraries, UK, supported by the Policy and Research Unit, to
investigate the reasons for public library borrowers not using the
library. The postal survey involved a sample of 138 library members
who had not borrowed on their library tickets for three years. Results
indicated that most of those users thought to be lapsed were in fact
using the library for various purposes other than lending and the main
reasons for non use were connected with access (particularly opening
hours) and library stock inadequacies.

Une estime lointaine: les non-usagers des bibliotheques municipales. A
respectful distance: non-users of public libraries
Bertrand, A-M
Bulletin des Bibliotheques de France; 43 (5) 1998, p.38-42
Libraries; Non use; Public libraries; France
Three-quarters of the French population are not users of public
libraries. They have a positive regard for libraries but from a
distance. Several explanations are possible, one being that they
differ from users both in their relationship with books and in their
reading practices. The image that they have of the library, creates 3
obstacles: the library is a useful establishment, but austere; it is
not very accessible; it neither offers the sort of books that weak
readers would like to read, nor a sample of modern culture which might
arouse the appetite. Even if librarians may judge this image unjust or
erroneous, their service policy cannot ignore it. (Original abstract -

Library utilization and academic growth: an assessment of the National
University of Lesotho
Braimoh, D; Jegede, J O; Moshoeshoe-Chadzingwe, M M
African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science; 7 (1)
Apr 97, p.63-9
Libraries; Non use; Students; University libraries; Nigeria; National
University of Lesotho; Surveys
Describes the findings of a survey of undergraduate students of the
National University of Lesotho Library in order to determine the level
of utilization of the services offered and the reasons for non-use.
Recommends the introduction of information literacy programmes by the
library to provide students with the necessary skills.

Non-users of the Upper Goulburn Library Service
Flowers, L
Australian Library Journal; 44 (2) May 95, p.67-85
Libraries; Non use; Public libraries; Australia; Upper Goulburn,
Victoria; Non user surveys
The Upper Goulburn Regional Library Service, Victoria, Australia, is
characterized by a large area, but the lowest population density of
any library service in Victoria. Library management wished to maximize
use of the service and attempted to achieve this by a survey of non
users. Describes the survey conducted and reports its detailed
findings. The main reasons for non use were reported as being: not
enough time to read (46 per cent); books obtained elsewhere (39 per
cent); library hours not suitable (17 per cent); no interest in
reading (16 per cent); ignorance of services offered (14 per cent);
library too far from home (11 per cent); library does not provide
anything user requires (7 per cent); user never finds anything user
wants (6 per cent); lack of confidence in how to use the library (5
per cent); unable to drive (4 per cent); unable to get around (2 per
cent); sight or hearing too poor (less than 1 per cent). Evidence from
the survey suggests that between 55 per cent and 78 per cent of
current non users are potential users of the Upper Goulburn Library
Service. Indicators for future planning were to promote the service
more generally within the community, and to introduce more technology
based services. Original abstract-amended.

Non-use of CD-ROM databases in an academic environment
Omaji, A
Computers in Libraries; 14 (9) Oct 94, p.45-6
CD-ROM databases; Non use; Technological university libraries;
Australia; Curtin University of Technology, Western Australia
Part of the special section CD-ROM Librarian. Reports on a survey of
CD-ROM non use at the Curtin University of Technology Library and
Information Service, Western Australia, Australia. Of 217 interviewed
117 had not used CD-ROM databases to search for journal articles.
Analyses the data gathered from this study and discusses its
implications. Examines the use of posters and faculty involvement to
promote use of CD-ROMs.

Non-use and non-users of libraries
Sridhar, M S
Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies;
31 (3) Sep 94, p.115-28
Libraries; Non use; Aerospace engineering; India; Surveys; ISRO
Satellite Centre Library, India
Non user research is a neglected area of library studies. The ratio of
actual users to potential users of a library serves as a rough measure
of the impact of the library and its market penetration capabilities.
Use of a library is a minority event since only a small segment of
rightful users of a library really makes use of it. Defines non use,
enumerates types of non users and presents a conceptual framework for
use and non use of information. Discusses possible reasons for non use
of library collections. Presents a case study of non use and non users
at the ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) library, Bangalore, India. Those
in the organization involved in planning, systems analyses, design,
development and management are more likely to be users than those
whose work involves manufacture, testing and operational activity.
Increase in status and level of professional achievements leads non
users to become users.

The non-use of Manchester's library service: an investigation
Jackson, Andrew; Martin, Paul
Public Library Journal; 6 (4) July/Aug 91, 109,111-113
Libraries; Library materials; Information work; Use; Surveys;
Wythenshawe UK; Public libraries; Non use; Manchester UK; Manchester
(UK) Public libraries; Wythenshawe (UK) Public libraries
A survey to investigate the non-use of Wythenshawe Area Libraries was
conducted in 1990, via a face-to-face questionnaire in the people's
homes. Tabulates results and concludes that although there is scope
for the marketing of services, particularly Wythenshawe Central
Library's audio-visual collection, the library's location and its
immediate environment are critical. 00 E.A.B.

Surveying non-use of serials
Rooke, Su
Serials Librarian; 18 (1/2) 1990, 81-96.s
Technical services; Acquisitions; Stock revision; Withdrawals;
Revision; Discards; Policies; Data collection; Polytechnic libraries;
Statistics; Periodicals; Non use data; Use statistics; Newcastle upon
Tyne Polytechnic (UK) Library
Describes a method based on that developed at Newcastle Polytechnic,
UK, for collecting data on non-usage of periodicals in a polytechnic
library, together with a formula for analysing the results. The method
uses disturbance of slips of paper inserted into the periodicals as an
indicator of usage, and does not rely heavily on either user
cooperation or library staff time. The results are easily analysed
using a commercial spreadsheet package. The likely application of this
type of information is to aid in the making of difficult decisions
about cancellations of subscriptions. 00 Original abstract--amended

Reflections on non-users
Zhang, Xiaolin
Library and Information Service; (3) 1987, 18-19
Non use; Libraries; Library materials; Information work; Use
Analyses possible reasons for not using libraries. Outlines the
factors and tendencies involved in non-use. Accepting these facts does
not justify the neglect of this group of 'potential users'. Presents
possible areas for change which might attract these people and satisfy
their information needs. Stresses the importance of studying non-users
so as to stimulate change in the methods of organisations which might
remain stagnant otherwise.

Non-use of public libraries: a literature review
Roberts, N
Sheffield University, Centre for Research on User Studies, 1986, 23p.
bibliog (BLRD report 5896
State of the art reviews; UK; Public libraries; Non use; Libraries;
Library materials; Information work; Use; British Library Research and
Development Department BLRD report 5896
Review of the literature dealing with the phenomenon of non-use of
public library services in the UK and other countries relevant to UK

The non-use of Nigerian public libraries by the silent majority: a
historical survey and discursus
Alegbeleye, G D
Libri; 36 (3) Sept 86, 187-201.s
Nigeria; Public libraries; Non use; Libraries; Library materials;
Information work; Use
Addresses the issue of the non-use of Nigerian public libraries by the
poor, the illiterate, semi-literate and the emergent wage-earning
labouring class. Presents historical, philosophical and socialogical
reasons for non-use. The suggested solution to the problem is the
establishment of an informaiton and referral centre as an adjunct to
the traditional public library. The possible activities of an
information and referral service are listed and the resource file is
suggested as the basic tool of such a service.

Folosleges konyvek a kozmuvelodesi konyvtarakban. Needless books in
public libraries
Arato, Antal
Konyvtari Figyelo; 32 (2) 1986, 139-157
Public libraries; Non use; Technical services; Acquisitions;
For those who are engaged in the questions of acquisition the user
reaction to the books bought offers a significant feedback. Librarians
pay attention to successful books and unsatisfied needs, although a
survey of books not used or borrowed less than the average would also
be a substantial contribution. It is likely that in public libraries
great quantities of books purchased needlessly have settled down. To
bear this assumption out, the circulation of the books bought 7 years
before in 3 copies was examined in Jaszbereny Municipal Library,
Hungary. It was found that at 1/SD3 of the titles the readers'
interest had been overestimated. Later the list of the non-borrowed
books was made in this same library. Gives an in-depth analysis of the
list. Concludes that a more careful acquisition policy and a new
approach are necessary.

Les bibliotheques de college confrontees au probleme des non-usagers.
College libraries and the problem of non-users
Baillargeon, Daniele; Dufort, Robert
Documentation et Bibliotheques; 28 (4) Oct Dec 82, 155-160.s
College libraries; Non use; Libraries; Library materials; Information
work; Use
At a discussion group at the ASTED conference in 1980, college
librarians exchanged impressions and information about the
characteristics of non-users and ways of persuading them to use
libraries by better promotion of services in cooperation with teaching
staff. To investigate the problem further, a questionnaire, based on a
thesis (1977) surveying non-users of the University of Pittsburgh
library, was distributed to users and non-users at 2 Quebec colleges
in 1982. The response showed little knowledge among non-users about
library services, while users were in general satisfied with their
libraries. Both groups made suggestions freely about how services
could be improved, further elucidating their respective
characteristics and needs. Similar results in US college libraries
emphasise the importance of publicising services; studies in public
libraries, however, suggest that non-users are unlikely to be
converted by soft-sell techniques. Such opinion surveys can provide
useful guides for improving services in particular circumstances, but
point to no universally efficacious strategy for attracting

The neglected resource: non-usage of library-information services in
industry and commerce
Slater, Margaret
London, Aslib, 1981, 68p.s
UK; Company libraries; Managers; Non use; Libraries; Library
materials; Information work; Use; British Library Research and
Development Department BLRD report 5628
A small-scale exploratory study of sub-optimal usage of industrial and
commercial library and information services was carried out by Aslib
in Summer 80. Non-use, misuse, and abuse were examined from the
viewpoint of unit managers. Major aims were to assess the reality,
nature, and extent of any non-usage problem and the feasibility and
usefulness of further investigation.


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