TID is a virtual showroom, an event dedicated to the discovery and exploitation of the patent asset of Tuscan universities and advanced schools.
The event consists in three edition, each one dedicated to specific sectors which are representative of the main research and innovation areas of the Tuscan research system: digital and industry; green transition and sustainable technologies; health and life sciences.
The aim is to facilitate the matching between inventors, companies and investors throughout the promotion of technologies and innovations.
In its virtual display, TID presents patent flyers and video to showcase inventions and to boost the matching between researchers and companies.
Who are the event organizers?
Regione Toscana, with the Regional Tech Transfer Office (URTT) organizes the events together with Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies, Scuola Normale Superiore, IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca, University of Florence, University of Siena and University of Pisa.
Who is the target?
The event is addressed to regional, national and international companies that are working in traditional or high-tech industries and to investors that have specific plan like proof of concept or pre-seed.
Find out about the three edition of TID – Toscana Inventors Day and take part to the next events!