Luigi Crocetti Library. Introduction

Biblioteca Luigi Crocetti, Regione Toscana, is the major Italian library in the fields of library science, bibliography and bibliology, archival and documentation sciences. The Library collection, the largest among Italian LIS libraries.

Biblioteca Luigi Crocetti was born in 1972 as Biblioteca del Servizio beni librari, then named Biblioteca dei servizi bibliografici; in November 2007 was named from its late founder, the distinguished Italian librarian passed away in March 2007.

The Library services are offered to:

  1. public librarians and record officers of Tuscan towns
  2. Tuscan operators in the fields of specialization of Library
  3. Italian operators in the fields of specialization of Library
  4. any other, in Italy or abroad, interested in the themes of specialization of Library.

The Library is open to every man and woman, regardless of race, age, sex, religion, nationality, language or social status.

The Library follows the principles of IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto (1994).

The Library is a member of Cobire: Coordinamento delle biblioteche e delle strutture documentarie della regione Toscana (Regione Toscana libraries network).

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