Selection of scouts for direct investment (bando scaduto)


Le domande presentate saranno valutate con una procedura particolarmente accurata. Sono infatti previste due fasi di valutazione, una per verificare la professionalitàdell'intermediario e una seconda attenta alla qualità del progetto, al suo impatto sul territorio e alle ricadute previste sull'occupazione. Nell'avviso vengono specificate, secondo il tipo di impresa, quali dovranno essere le previsioni minime di nuovi posti di lavoro. Per le attività manifatturiere si parla di un minimo di 30 addetti, che scendono a 20 per la logistica e i servizi e a 10 per i nuovi laboratori e i centri di ricerca. Il corrispettivo per ciascun progetto non supererà un massimo di 200 mila euro.

Per tutti i dettagli accedi alla pagina dedicata di Toscana Promozione Avviso per l'individuazione di progetti di investimento diretto tramite intermediari / scouters.


English version

Tuscany: a place to Invest

Tuscany is not only a place for art and culture, it is also a welcoming region for national and international businesses who wish to settle here and explore new investments. A perfect springboard to compete on the international market from Tuscany is offered by Regione Toscana, which is announcing a range of incentives to attract international investments to the region.

The incentives are for investments from companies that are not yet based in Tuscany. The scheme is managed by the regional agency, Toscana Promozione, which will have at its disposal a budget of € 400,000. This initiative is not aimed directly at businesses but to "scouts" who will source on the national and international arena suitable projects for which Tuscany would be a competitive place to develop new businesses and create new job opportunities. The projects will need to be introduced by an intermediary and not by the businesses themselves.

The presented applications will be judged on two criteria: the first concerning the suitability and professional integrity of the person referring the project, and the second to the quality of the project, its impact on the region and the possibilities of employment to be derived from it. The announcement specifies the minimum number of new jobs to be created by each kind of business: for manufacturing a minimum of 30 positions, no less than 20 for logistics and 10 for laboratories and research centres. The amount of money available for each project will not exceed € 200,000.

"Our priority is to revitalize the manufacturing industries. Attracting investments is an essential element for the development of Tuscany" says Enrico Rossi, president of Regione Toscana. "For this purpose we have created a special department and this tender for bids is the first important step towards making sure that our region, world famous for its history and culture and for its unsurpassable landscape, will also be considered as an open and welcoming place for those who want to invest in businesses. There are many large national and international firms in Tuscany and some of these have decided to stay and consolidate their presence. At the moment there are 250 foreign businesses in the region and they employ over 35,000 people with a turnover of over € 15,000,000."

The guiding idea of this project is that the high quality and professional integrity which have always been Tuscany's trump business card represent an important start and an added value, even though they are not enough on their own. "With this initiative", explains the region's president, "we want to offer another incentive to the creation of new investment projects in the manufacturing sector, giving a greater push to the competitiveness of the region and its employment, thus helping it to become stronger coming out of the crisis. We have therefore decided to reward the people who invest, while making sure that the firms that come here are really embedded in the region. The intermediary will also be rewarded, but in stages, and once the new company is finally established. The new businesses will also be monitored for the first three years of their activities here."

The announcement: Selection of scouts for FDI in Tuscany
Deadline: projects must be received by 12.00 hours on 30 December 2011, because of reopening of deadlines.


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