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Bibliografia di scritti di biblioteconomia sul tema la documentazione locale in biblioteca


Realizzata in occasione del Seminario "Qui si parla di noi..." La documentazione locale tra identità e globalità. Pistoia, Biblioteca Forteguerriana 2 dicembre 2009.
A cura della Biblioteca Luigi Crocetti, segnalazioni aggiornate al 2009.

Sono indicate le pubblicazioni disponibili in Biblioteca.
Histoire en bibliothèque / sous la direction de Valérie Tesnière. Paris : Cercle de la librairie, 2009
In corso di acquisizione presso la Biblioteca Crocetti.
Scheda dell'editore a:

Abbattista, Guido. La storia ai tempi della rete. 3. (Biblioteche e archivi). «IBC», 14 (2006), n. 3, p. 6-8, anche a:
Intervento alla giornata di studio in occasione della presentazione del volume La storia a(l) tempo di Internet, Bologna, 7 giugno 2005

Scanum, Sara. Le raccolte di documentazione locale nelle biblioteche comunali della Provincia di Sassari: organizzazione, gestione ed esperienze caratterizzanti. «Culture del testo e del documento», n. 19 (gen.-apr. 2006), p. 107-130

Taddei, Adelmo. La memoria del futuro: raccolta, conservazione e promozione della cultura locale nel progetto dei Cercamemoria del Sistema bibliotecario urbano genovese. «Vedi anche», 15 (2006), n. 3/4, p. 3, anche a:
Progetto avviato nel 2005

Tota, Anna Lisa. La storia ai tempi della rete. 2. «IBC», 14 (2006), n. 2, anche a:
Intervento alla giornata di studio in occasione della presentazione del volume La storia a(l) tempo di Internet, Bologna, 7 giugno 2005

Biblioteche provinciali e archivi : la sezione locale e la memoria del territorio : 8. convegno nazionale, Pescara, 23-24 settembre 2004 : atti / a cura di Dario D'Alessandro. Roma : Associazione italiana biblioteche, 2005. 122 p. ; 21 cm
Cont. D. D'Alessandro, Premessa, p. 7-9. Giuseppe De Dominicis, Saluto, p. 11-12. Miriam Scarabò, La biblioteca e l'archivio della memoria, p. 13-16. Emanuela Impiccini - Tiziana Morgese, L'indicizzazione semantica nella sezione locale tra Soggettario e Gris, p. 17-29. Giuliana Zagra, Società e vita culturale del territorio attraverso le biblioteche d'autore, p. 31-36. Antonio Dentoni Litta, Gli archivi nelle biblioteche: prime riflessioni per un progetto di lavoro, p. 37-51. Claudio Leombroni, Biblioteche e comunità locali: politiche in ambito culturale, p. 53-64. Alberto Petrucciani, La biblioteca pubblica tra globale e locale, p. 65-75. Sara Pollastri, L'archivio come garante della conservazione della memoria: esperienze fiorentine, p. 77-78. D. D'Alessandro, Il DNA delle biblioteche provinciali: i fondi locali: esperienza italiana e di altri paesi europei e latinoamericani, p. 79-86. Rino Pensato, Le risorse documentali locali in ambito digitale, p. 87-94. Tavola rotonda: Archivi statali e biblioteche provinciali e consorziali: i documenti locali e la valorizzazione del territorio: coordinamento C. Leombroni (Giovanni Battista Sguario, La sezione locale della Biblioteca consorziale di Viterbo e la valorizzazione del territorio, p. 97-100). Tavola rotonda: La sezione locale delle biblioteche provinciali: l'humus della cultura del territorio: coordinamento A. Petrucciani (Vincenzo Lombardi, L'esperienza della Biblioteca provinciale "P. Albino" di Campobasso, p. 103-106). Tavola rotonda: Le esperienze di digitalizzazione dei fondi locali nelle biblioteche e negli archivi: coordinamento R. Pensato (Alessandro Sardelli, L'esperienza della Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze, p. 109-113. Enrico Sorrentino, L'archivio, o della perfezione del male, p. 115-118. Valeria Trevisan, L'esperienza della Biblioteca provinciale "Claudia Augusta" di Bolzano, p. 119-122)
BIBLIO 025.279 BIB

Gnoli, Claudio - Merli, Gabriele. Notazione e interfaccia di ricerca per una classificazione a livelli. «AIDA informazioni», 23 (2005), n. 1/2, p. 57-72, anche a:
Uno schema di classificazione generale "a faccette libere", basato sulla teoria dei livelli di integrazione, sperimentato per indicizzare una bibliografia di cultura locale

Minuti, Rolando – Vayola, Patrizia – Zanni Rosiello, Isabella. La storia ai tempi della rete. 1. «IBC», 13 (2005), n. 4, anche a:
Interventi alla giornata di studio in occasione della presentazione del volume La storia a(l) tempo di Internet, Bologna, 7 giugno 2005

Ronzoni, Daniele - Grossi, Federica. Il vecchio e il digitale: raccolta locale e nuove tecnologie nell'esperienza della Biblioteca civica di Abano Terme. (Progetti). «Biblioteche oggi», 23 (2005), n. 8, p. 33-36, anche a:

Casarin, Graziella. L'informazione locale. In: Documenti e dati pubblici sul web: guida all'informazione di fonte pubblica in rete / a cura di Piero Cavaleri e Fernando Venturini. Bologna: Il mulino, 2004, p. 175-210
BIBLIO 353.132 740 945 DOC

Santoro, Michele. Territori digitali: biblioteche, comunità e memoria nella società delle reti. (Argomenti). «Biblioteche oggi», 22 (2004), n. 3, p. 26-41, anche a:
Rielaborazione dell'intervento al convegno "La frontiera scomparsa: biblioteche, servizi culturali e territorio", Vimercate, 27 novembre 2003

La storia a(l) tempo di Internet: indagine sui siti italiani di storia contemporanea, 2001-2003 / a cura di Antonino Criscione ... [et al.]. Bologna: Patron, 2004. 387 p. (Emilia Romagna biblioteche archivi; 56). ISBN 88-555-2789-4
Rec. di Vittorio Ferorelli, «IBC», 13 (2005), n. 1, anche a:
BIBLIO 909.820 285 467 8 STO

Local studies collection management / edited by Michael Dewe. Aldershot ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, c2002. XII, 196 p. : ill. ; 24 cm
BIBLIO 025.279 LOC

Verri, Bianca - Garavini, Brunella. Navigare tra le carte ritrovate. (Biblioteche & archivi). «IBC», 10 (2002), n. 1, p. 15-16, anche a:
Il laboratorio didattico avviato dalla Biblioteca comunale di Cervia (RA) per avvicinare i cittadini ai documenti conservati nell'Archivio storico comunale

Balzani, Roberto. ...Coltivare la storia: biblioteche e musei in Romagna fra Ottocento e Novecento. (Biblioteche e archivi). «IBC», 9 (2001), n. 1, p. 14-16, anche a:

Bellosi, Giuseppe. Seminare la lingua...: un centro di documentazione sul dialetto e la cultura romagnoli. (Biblioteche e archivi). «IBC», 9 (2001), n. 1, p. 11-13, anche a:
A Ravenna un accordo di programma fra Comune e Provincia. Con la scheda Tera bianca, sment negra, p. 12

Benedetti, Fabrizia - Pensato, Rino. La raccolta locale in ambiente digitale. «Bibliotime», n.s. 4 (2001), n. 2,
Relazione presentata al convegno "Il servizio di reference nell'era digitale", Bologna, 30 novembre-1 dicembre 2000. Vedi anche le immagini proiettate, a

Bianco, Alberto. Nuova sezione dedicata alla storia locale: informazione e supporto didattico: Biblioteca civica "A. G. Barrili". (Da Ponente e da Levante). «Vedi anche», 13 (2001), n. 3/4, p. 12

Bosco, Salvina. Progetto H.Store: Gli archivi di storia locale e la didattica della storia: corso di formazione per insegnanti: Acireale, 2-5 aprile 2001. (Notiziario). «Archivi & computer», 11 (2001), n. 1, p. 58-60
Segue la nota di Paola Mita, Quante storie in archivio: le scuole all'Archivio storico comunale di Imola, p. 60-62

Ferorelli, Vittorio. Nel nome di Bertoldo. (Informazioni. Biblioteche e archivi). «IBC», 9 (2001), n. 4, p. 73, anche a:
Un concorso e tre esposizioni dedicate a Giulio Cesare Croce organizzati dalla Biblioteca comunale di San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO)

Tirelli, Giambattista. Per una biblioteca pubblica glocale: a proposito di raccolte locali.
In Cantieri aperti, n. 5 (mag. 2001), p. 3

Zaramella, Lucia. L'immaginario popolare e i nani di San Bastian: antidoti all'omologazione. (Itinerari di ricerca). «AIB notizie», 13 (2001), n. 11, p. 5, anche a:
Sunto di una relazione presentata all'incontro sulle fiabe e l'immaginario popolare organizzato dal Gruppo di ricerca sulle biblioteche scolastiche dell'Università di Padova

L'indicizzazione per soggetto della sezione locale : una applicazione delle norme GRIS / a cura di Massimo Fedi e Raffaella Marconi ; con la collaborazione di Andrea Fabbrizzi, Marta Gori, Paolo Panizza. Firenze : [Provincia], 2000. 109 p. ; 24 cm
In appendice: L'applicazione delle norme GRIS in CDS-ISIS TECA, di A. Fabbrizzi. In testa al front.: Provincia di Firenze; Biblioteca comunale di Bagno a Ripoli; Biblioteca comunale di Fiesole
BIBLIO 025.482 IND

Maestrini, Franca - Mita, Paola. Di storia in storia: le scuole all'Archivio storico comunale di Imola. (Biblioteche e archivi). «IBC», 8 (2000), n. 4, p. 17-18, anche a:
Un'iniziativa della Biblioteca comunale

Pensato, Rino. La raccolta locale: principi e gestione. Milano: Ed. Bibliografica, 2000. VI, 220 p. (Bibliografia e biblioteconomia; 59). ISBN 88-7075-556-8
Rec. di Elena Boretti, «Bollettino AIB», 42 (2002), n. 1, p. 83-85, anche a:
Vedi anche il resoconto Profonde sono le radici / Laura Miani. «IBC», 9 (2001), n. 2, p. 81-82, anche a:, sulla giornata di studi Radici: raccolte, studi, autori locali, Bologna, 5 aprile 2001, in occasione della presentazione del volume
BIBLIO 025.279 PEN


Selezione di articoli da LISA: Library and information science abstracts, dal 2001 al 2009, in ordine cronologico inverso

Joining Together for a New Era in Hull's History
Smith, David Alexander
Library + Information Update, p. 62-63, Jan-Feb 2009
Local history materials; Libraries; Grants; UK
The UK city of Hull has received a Heritage Lottery Fund grant to build a new local history centre that will bring together library, archive and university collections. Staff will be retrained to work across the disciplines. The grant, amounting to 7.7 million pounds, will be used to create the Hull History Centre, a purpose-built local studies centre merging the Hull Local Studies Library, the Hull City Archives and the University of Hull Archives into one building in the centre of the city. The new building will have the equivalent of 13 kilometers of atmospherically controlled storage space; a 120-seat lecture theatre; space for activities and teaching; a library area; dedicated microform and information technology spaces; an 'inner sanctum' for customers using older/rarer/archival items of stock; and a new conservation suite.

Reaching New Audiences: Exploiting Local Studies Collections
Matthews, Diane; Conn, Christina Raven
Local Studies Librarian, vol. 27, n. 2, p. 11-12, Winter 2008
The Studio, Solihull Library was host to the Annual Day School of the Midlands and Anglia subgroup of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals' (CILIP) Local Studies Group. The theme for the day was 'Reaching New Audiences: Exploiting Local Studies Collections.' David Gill, the Information, Heritage and Learning Services Manager for Solihull, talked about the need for Local Studies departments to re-focus and embed their services in the learning agenda, to demonstrate their role in achieving Directorate and Council objectives, to show their willingness to work with partners and utilise innovative ideas around information and communications technology, and to reach new audiences via social networking.

Northwest Ohio libraries put local history online
Ruland, Barbara
Interface, vol. 30, n. 1, p. 12, spring 2008
The Northwest Regional Library System (NORWELD) offers a wide range of services in support of its fifty-three member libraries in northwest Ohio. Many constituent libraries maintain local history departments, which their patrons prize as valuable resources, and there is continuing interest in making the collections available online. In response, NORWELD is sponsoring or participating in three programs designed to help local libraries make their history departments available through the Internet. The most recent initiative is Northwest Ohio Narratives, which commenced in the spring of 2006. NORWELD provides video production services, technical support, and training for member libraries wishing to record oral history interviews with members of their communities. Since the project began, NORWELD has produced more than 110 professional, broadcast-quality, oral-history videos. NORWELD has also transferred dozens of audio recordings to DVD.

Local Studies Study Day in Reading
Pye-Smith, Helen
Local Studies Librarian, vol. 27, n. 2, p. 16-18, Winter 2008
A study day was held in July 2008 by the Berks, Bucks and Oxon District (BBOD) of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals' (CILIP) South East England Branch. The day at Reading Museum with an introduction to its collection, which includes 400,000 items. Founded in the 19th century, the collection contains a diverse array of artefacts including Roman objects from the Silchester site about ten miles outside Reading, a full-size 19th-century replica of the Bayeaux Tapestry, as well as contemporary works of art. The Museum has a collection of almost 2,000 Huntley & Palmer biscuit tins, in all shapes, sizes and colours.

A Sense of Place
Dixon, Diana
Library + Information Update, p. 30-33, Dec 2008
Southwold Museum in England is run by local volunteers who staff it seven days a week from Easter to October. The Southwold Museum & Historical Society, a subscription-paying group of about 400 members, is responsible for the building and its collections. On the eve of its 75th anniversary, the honorary curatorship was given to Diana Dixon, a woman known for her championship of local studies. That gives her an interesting perspective on the similarities and differences between museums and libraries. Since Dixon's arrival, the museum has rationalised its procedures and brought all its documentation up to the standards needed for accreditation -- essential if it is to continue to receive project funding.

Weaving the past into the present by digitizing local history.
Schlumpf, Kay; Zschernitz, Rob
Computers in Libraries, vol. 27, n. 3, p. 10-15, Mar 2007
Describes the local history digitization project at the North Suburban Library System (NSLS), a multitype consortium in Wheeling, Illinois. The initiative, known as Digital Past (, is made up of institutions of all sizes with collections of all types. Although there are various reasons to digitize with Digital Past, the main intent of most participants is to reach out to the communities they serve. Among the items that have been digitized as part of Digital Past are fragile old documents, photos, and books, which have been transcribed and cataloged for archival storage where they will rarely need to see the light of day again. School kids, community members, and genealogists, as well as serious researchers, can now access these items any time they want.

Libraries and local history collections in Sierra Leone.
Kargbo, John Abdul
Library Review, vol. 56, n. 7, p. 563-572, 2007
Purpose - Discusses the development of local history collections within libraries in Sierra Leone. Design/methodology/approach - The article is a reflective viewpoint. Findings - That there is a growing interest in local history collections in libraries in Sierra Leone, and that more formal structures should be put in place to safeguard these materials for the future. Practical implications - Proposes some ways forward for ensuring the long term viability of local collections in Sierra Leone. Originality /value - The article is the first on the topic of local history collections in Sierra Leone's libraries, and should be of interest to librarians around the world who have an interest in local history librarianship.

Committing to memory: a project to publish and preserve California local history digital resources.
Turner, Adrian L.
Journal of Archival Organization, vol. 4, n. 1/2, p. 11-27, 2006
This article highlights the LSTA-grant funded California Local History Digital Resources Project (LHDRP) as a case study of a collaborative statewide program involving three primary groups: cultural heritage institutions, grant funding agencies, and digital library service providers. It explores how the infrastructure of the California Digital Library (CDL) is utilized to preserve and promote public access to digitized local history collections, and discusses challenges and technical solutions to integrating heterogeneous resources into METS-based repositories. Project building blocks are also discussed, including digital object encoding and transmission tools, scanning services, metadata and imaging standards, and training programs.

"Let us hasten to redeem the time that is lost": J. G. M. Ramsey's role in the collection and promotion of Tennessee history.
Lawrimore, Erin R.
Libraries & The Cultural Record, vol. 41, n. 4, p. 419-437, Sep 2006
The son of an early East Tennessee settler, James Gettys McGready Ramsey saw it as his patriotic duty to collect, preserve and disseminate his knowledge and grand vision of the pioneer generation to scholars, whom he believed had overlooked the region's important contributions to American history. Although an 1863 fire destroyed his collections, Ramsey's work with state and local historical societies, his correspondence with historian and fellow collector Lyman C. Draper, and the 1853 publication of his "Annals of Tennessee" continue to influence the compilation and interpretation of the region's historical record.

The North Yorkshire Unnetie Digitisation Project: from an idea to an opportunity
Melrose, Elizabeth Anne
New Library World; 105 (5) 2004, p.196-202
There are well-funded national schemes that involve cross-domain partnerships, linking archives, libraries and museums. The North Yorkshire Unnetie Digitisation Project ( /unnetie) is a much smaller co-operative digitisation undertaking. It started with very little experience of collaboration with partners, less funding and originally no idea of the process. Helped by the New Opportunities Fund and Resource, the library service is working with a County Record Office, a museum and a local history society to digitise the little-known archive of a local photographer to provide a searchable Web site of images alongside several storylines illustrating life in the region in the mid-twentieth century. The project team has been supported by these partners, overcoming lack of knowledge and various obstacles, such as the lack of commitment on the part of the IT developers. The benefits of working with colleagues were immeasurable and the relationships that have been built up will continue. This experience shows that what is needed is enthusiasm, energy, perseverance and the will to talk to associates in the same field.

Small is innovative
Fraser, Fiona
Bookseller; (5143) 27 Aug 2004, p.20-21
Independent bookshop the Bookcase, in Lowdham, Nottinghamshire, and its proprietor Jane Streeter have a reputation for enterprise. Not content to grow sales by 10% in the past year, Streeter has now set up a publishing imprint, Bookcase Editions, with the aim of bringing books of local interest back into print. Streeter has been one of the driving forces behind the Booksellers Association's initiative - "Playing to Local Strengths" - to develop a model for small booksellers to produce local interest titles. Interview.

Collection development: real steps to include a forgotten group
Bell, Dorothy; Gaston, Betty Jo
Community & Junior College Libraries; 12 (3) 2004, p.9-16
In the 1950s, the State of Florida led the way in developing a national model for the development of the junior or community college system. The Brown vs Board of Education Supreme Court Decision impacted the segregated system and during the 1960s, Florida's 12 black junior colleges were merged with pre-existent majority campuses. This pattern of growth then merger reflected the larger history of growth of the local communities, the state, and the nation. The library of St. Petersburg College has seized the opportunity and shouldered the responsibility to preserve such a history for the diverse community in which it exists. Thanks to the joint efforts of the library, archivists, the community, inter-agency group, and grant funding, the complete history of a group too significant to be forgotten and the St. Petersburg College is being preserved for generations to come.

Coleccion hemerografica local digital de las bibliotecas publicas de la provincia de Barcelona. The digitised local periodical collection of the public libraries of the province of Barcelona
Perez-Salmeron, Gloria; Surroca Carrera, Anna M.
Profesional de la Informacion; 13 (2) Mar 2004-Apr 2004, p.118, 120-122, 124-126
Discusses the various phases, work procedures and economic investment involved in the project to digitize historical periodicals of local interest deposited in municipal libraries in the Barcelona Province of Spain. In addition to the physical preservation of these unique collections, the intention is to index the issues and make the data available through the Province's web page.

Worthington Memory digital imaging workflow
Allen, Susan M.
Microform and Imaging Review; 32 (2) Spring 2003, p.44-66
Describes the steps undertaken by Worthington Memory Project, a World Wide Web based online local history project to create a database of material dealing with the history of the town of Worthington, Ohio, to digitize the materials used. The step-by-step procedure involves: recording information about the original source; image capture (scanning); recording information about image capture (scanning); OCR (Optical Character Recognition); transcription; recording information about transcription; OCR verification; recording information about OCR verification; and creation of Dublin Core Records.

Lending Time: the Knowsley way
Hume, Eileen
Local Studies Librarian; 22 (2) Winter 2003, p.7-8
Reports the experience of the public library in Knowsley, 1 of 6 UK local authorities participating in a pilot scheme for voluntary work in libraries called "Lending Time". The project is coordinated by Community Service Volunteers in consultation with local and central government bodies. In Knowsley Lending Time is being harnessed to the creation of a social archive in which volunteers are photographing community events, buildings and places of natural beauty, recording reminiscences and researching local history. Other projects include reading to visually impaired people and helping 11-15 year olds with homework and the use of the library.

Updating the past: new collections, new formats
Parkinson, L.
Idaho Librarian; 53 (4) May 2002, No page numbers
The full text of this electronic journal article can be found at [URL: /updatingthepast.htm]. The Twin Falls Public Library project of digitizing its 2000 plus Bisbee glass plate negatives, one of the two premier historic photo collections in Idaho, is making both these images and information about each photo readily available to Twin Falls Public Library users and other interested parties. Visitors are welcome to view these collections at the Library and samples of the historic photo collections are mounted on the Library Web site [URL:].

Local studies collections
Crosby, A.
Local Studies Librarian; 21 (1) Summer 2002, p.2-3
Reprint of an article first published in 'Local History News', the magazine of the British Association for Local History (62 Spring 2002, p.2-3) of which the author is the editor. Reports that there have been debates and campaigns relating to the continuing threats to the integrity and funding of county and borough local studies collections. Specialist staff are replaced by non-specialists and there is a temptation to make money or save space by disposal of materials. Pleads for libraries not to throw away the parchment and paper products of civilization for the sake of computers and ephemeral data.

Indexing local studies collections: a workshop for local history groups
Maxted, I.
Local Studies Librarian; 21 (1) Summer 2002, p.12
Brief report of a workshop held in Exeter by the local studies service of Devon county libraries in the UK. The aim was to introduce members of the public with an interest in local studies to principles of listing and indexing, drawing attention to the different traditions of libraries, museums and archives. Workshop notes may be viewed at /indelec.html.

Creating a permanent digital archive of local materials: a SLIC funded project
Winch, S.
Local Studies Librarian; 21 (1) Summer 2002, p.9-11
Outlines the experiences of staff at East Dunbartonshire Libraries in Scotland in digitizing an archive of about 30,000 photographs plus a large collection of personal papers and ephemera. Focuses on conflicting cataloguing guidelines and the solution offered by the use of OCLC's CORC (Cooperative Online Resource Catalog) which allows for storage using either MARC 21 or the Dublin Core and conversion for downloading as required. This is important for the viability of Scotland's union catalogues. Also discusses questions of lifespan and preservation of digital materials and East Dunbartonshire's conservation policy.

Black history and local studies
Bracher, T.
Local Studies Librarian; 21 (2) Winter 2002, p.11-15
Sets out the ways in which librarians and archivists can identify, collect and promote sources for local black history from within their collections to remedy previous failure to reflect the presence of black people in the UK for many centuries. Describes the tracing of references in archival materials in the course of the Northamptonshire Black History Project, the strategies which may be followed by other archivists wishing to undertake similar research and the organization, financing and aims of the Northamptonshire project.

Tomorrow's history: a regional digitisation project
Carnaffin, E.
Local Studies Librarian; 20 (1) Summer 2001, p.10-14Outlines the history and development of Tomorrow's History, a major two year project in the UK, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and managed by the North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Council (NEMLAC). It will produce a Web based regional heritage resource for North East England. The project works with libraries, museums, archives and record offices to digitize and improve access to local studies resources. A local heritage database covering every community in the region will be developed by the inclusion of material such as historic directories and local photograph collections.

Social Inclusion: promoting local studies to all
Melrose, E.
Local Studies Librarian; 20 (2) Winter 2001, p.13-17
Article originally presented as a paper at the UmbrelLA 6 study school in the UK, July 2001. Stresses the part to be played by the exploitation of local studies collections in the work of UK public libraries in combating social exclusion. Identifies categories of potential local studies visitor, gives examples of successful initiatives in attracting attention and arousing interest in local studies and points to what needs to be done both to make collections accessible and also to ensure that library management accords sufficient importance to local studies in the planning of services.

Planning for best value in local studies
Thomas, A.
Local Studies Librarian; 20 (1) Summer 2001, p.7-10
Looks at how local studies librarians should prepare themselves for reviews under the UK government's Best Value (BV) policy of making public services more effective. Discusses preliminary consultation, the drawing up of a baseline statement, benchmarking, and assessing the library's competitors. BV could offer a golden opportunity for local studies librarians to make sure that their service receives appropriate attention.

Old wine in new bottles: local history in the digital age
Rudyard, N.
Local Studies Librarian; 20 (1) Summer 2001, p.2-7
Article based on a paper presented to the North West Branch of the UK Library Association Local Studies Group in November 2000, offering pointers to managing digitization and indicating the opportunities and problems which might be created. Lists information sources and the basic requirements for launching a project and reports a survey of the progress in digitizing images of local history collections in the archives and libraries of North West England and of the experiences of staff involved in the projects.

Message in a bottle
White, G.
Public Library Journal; 16 (1) Spring 2001, p.3-5
Edited version of a paper given at the New South Wales (Australia) CPLA Conference, Cessnock, 2000, and published in 'Australasian Public Libraries and Information Services' 13(3) Sep 2000. Reflects on the relationship between memory and history, especially in connection with local studies collections, and warns of the dangers of relying only on the mass media as a source of historical information. Suggests that librarians should proactively collect information from the community to serve as the historical information for the future. They should also help the community record its own memories by developing content for the Web.


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