Articoli scientifici
Articoli scientifici
Volpi E, Giannelli A, Toccafondi G, Baroni M, Tonazzini S, Alduini S, Biagini S, Gini R, Bellandi T, Emdin M.J Medication Reconciliation During Hospitalization and in Hospital-Home Interface: An Observational Retrospective Study.Patient Saf. 2017 Mar 22. doi: 10.1097/PTS.0000000000000360
Volpi, E., Giannelli, A., Toccafondi, G., Tartaglia, R., & Micalizzi, M., Mangione M , Baroni M, Tonazzini S, Alduini S, Biagini S, Laws E and Bellandi T (2015). Human Factors Approach in the Design of an Electronic Medication Management System for Preventing Inpatient Medication Errors. J Pharmacovigilance S, 2, 2.
Venturi G., Bellandi T., Dell'Orletta F., Montemagni S. (2015) "NLP-Based Readability Assessment of Health-Related Texts: a Case Study on Italian Informed Consent Forms". In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (Louhi 2015), EMNLP 2015 Workshop, 17 September, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 131-141.
M. Vainieri, E. Flore, R. Tartaglia, T. Bellandi. Analisi comparata dei modelli di gestione dei sinistri in sanità. Prime evidenze empiriche sui costi dei sinistri. MECOSAN 2014, 92: 27-53
Toccafondi G, Albolino S, Tartaglia R, Guidi S, Molisso A, Venneri F, Peris A, Pieralli F, Magnelli E, Librenti M, Morelli M, Barach P The collaborative communication model for patient handover at the interface between high-acuity and low-acuity care. BMJ Qual Saf. 2012 Dec;21 Suppl 1:i58-66. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001178. Epub 2012 Oct 25
Hesselink G, Flink M, Olsson M, Barach P, Dudzik-Urbaniak E, Orrego C, Toccafondi G, Kalkman C, Johnson J K, Schoonhoven L, Vernooij-Dassen M, Wollersheim H, on behalf of the European HANDOVER Research Collaborative Are patients discharged with care? A qualitative study of perceptions and experiences of patients, family members and care providers BMJ Qual Saf 2012;21:i39-i49 doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001165
Hesselink G, Vernooij-Dassen M, Pijnenborg L, Barach P, Gademan P, Dudzik-Urbaniak E, Flink M, Orrego C, Toccafondi G, Johnson JK, Schoonhoven L, Wollersheim H; European HANDOVER Research Collaborative. Organizational culture: an important context for addressing and improving hospital to community patient discharge. Med Care. 2013 Jan;51(1):90-8. doi: 10.1097/MLR.0b013e31827632ec.
Flink M, Hesselink G, Pijnenborg L , Wollersheim H, Vernooij-Dassen M, Dudzik-Urbaniak E, Orrego C, Toccafondi G, Schoonhoven L, Gademan P J, Johnson J K, Öhlén G, Hansagi H, Olsson M, Barach P, and on behalf of the European HANDOVER Research Collaborative The key actor: a qualitative study of patient participation in the handover process in Europe BMJ Qual Saf. 2012 December; 21(Suppl_1): i89–i96.Published online 2012 October 29. doi: 10.1136/bmjqs-2012-001171
Giulio Toccafondi, Sara Albolino, Tommaso Bellandi, Francesco Venneri. Handover process: how to improve quality and safety through an ergonomic solution, Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation; Volume 41, Supplement 1/ 2012, 2941-2945
Tartaglia R, Albolino S, Bellandi T, Bianchini E, Biggeri A, Fabbro G, Bevilacqua L, Dell'erba A, Privitera G, Sommella L. Adverse events and preventable consequences: retrospective study in five large Italian hospitals, Epidemiol Prev. 2012 May;36(3-4):151-61
Pascale Carayon, Ellen J. Bass, Tommaso Bellandi, Ayse P. Gurses, M. Susan Hallbeck & Vanina Mollo (2011): Sociotechnical systems analysis in health care: a research agenda, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, 1:3, 145-160
M Mangini, S Di Valvasone, C Greco, A Ognibene, G Cappuccini, R Spina, R Tartaglia, G Zagli, A Peris. Validation of the new proposed Emergency Trauma Score (EMTRAS) Crit Care. 2010; 14(Suppl 1):P252. Published online 2010 March 1. doi: 10.1186/cc8484
M. Di Stefano, E. Rossi, S. Baccetti, F. Firenzuoli, T. Bellandi, S. Albolino, R. Tartaglia. Survey on incident reporting in Complementary Medicine. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2010, Pages 256-257
M. Di Stefano, E. Rossi, S. Baccetti, F. Firenzuoli, T. Bellandi, R. Tartaglia, S. Albolino, P. Scrivani. European Journal of Integrative Medicine, Volume 2, Issue 4, December 2010, Pages 255-256
Bagnara S, Parlangeli O, Tartaglia R. Are hospitals becoming high reliability organizations? Appl Ergon. 2010 Sep;41(5): 713-8
S. Albolino, R. Tartaglia, T. Bellandi, A.M.V. Amicosante, E. Bianchini, A. Biggeri Patient safety and Incident Reporting: the point of view of the Italian Healthcare Workers Qual Saf Health Care 2010;19(Suppl 3): 8-12
T. Bellandi, S. Albolino, R. Tartaglia, F. Filipponi. Unintended Transplantation of Three Organs from an HIV-Positive Donor: Report of the Analysis of an Adverse Event in a Regional Health Care Service in Italy. Transplantation Proceedings, Volume 42, Issue 6, July-August 2010, Pages 2187-2189
- Prisco D, Antonucci E, Grifoni E, Mazzaglia G, Bellandi T, Tartaglia R, Poli D. Different models for oral anticoagulation management may be applied provided that minimal assistance criteria are fulfilled: an Italian experience. Semin Thromb Hemost. 2009 Sep;35(6):568-73
R.Tartaglia. La catena dell'errore. Il "Swiss Cheese Model" come base teorica per l'analisi degli incidenti. Radiologia medica, 2008, 113 [Suppl.]: 73-75, Springer ed.
Bellandi T., Albolino S, Tomassini C. How to create a safety culture in the healthcare system: the experience of the Tuscany Region. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2007; 8(5): 495-507
S. Bagnara R. Tartaglia Editorial of "Patient safety: an old and a newissue". Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 2007; 8(5) 365-372
Baldasseroni A, Abrami V, Arcangeli G, Cupelli V, Fioriti M, Guarducci L, Sommani L, Tartaglia R. Longitudinal study for assessing the efficacy of preventive measures in a population of health workers exposed to the risk of patient lifting. G Ital Med Lav Ergon. 2005 Jan-Mar;27(1):101-5. Italian. PubMedPMID:15915682
Atti congressi internazionali e nazionali
Sara Albolino, Giulia Dagliana, Margerita Meda, Francesco Ranzani, Michela Tanzini. Safety and quality of maternal and neonatal pathway: A pilot study on the childbirth checklist in 9 Italian hospitals. 6th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences, AHFE 2015 ►►
Sara Albolino, Tommaso Bellandi, Riccardo Tartaglia, Annibale Biggeri, The incidence of adverse events in tuscany: results from a regional study involving 36 hospitals. ISQUA The International Society for Quality in Health Care - 30th International Conference 13-16 October 2013 Edinburgh International Conference Centre Abstracts selected for Oral Presentations
Tommaso Bellandi, Sara Albolino, Marco De Luca, Francesco Mannelli. In situ simulation in a pediatric emergency department improves patient safety. ISQUA The International Society for Quality in Health Care - 30th International Conference 13-16 October 2013 Edinburgh International Conference Centre Poster Presentations
Giulio Toccafondi, Riccardo Tartaglia, Stefano Guidi, Sara Albolino Handover process in multidisciplinary health care: information transfer and common ground construction. AHFE International Applied Human Factors and ergonomics Conference 20-25 July 2012 San Francisco Abstracts selected for Oral Presentations
Incident Reporting Systems: the point of view of clinicians in the Italian hospitals
(Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety - International Conference, Strasbourg France, 2008)
AIDA o LIDIA? A wristband to improve patient safety: the experience of the Tuscany Region
(Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety - International Conference, Strasbourg France, 2008)
The real practice of the Tuscany's regional system for patient safety management: the results of the first two years 2005-2006
(Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety - International Conference, Strasbourg France, 2008)
Quality and safety in Oral Anticoagulant the project Farmamemo for patient empowerment continuity of care
(Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety - International Conference, Strasbourg France, 2008)
Patient falls prevention at hospital: a preliminary assessment of the environmental hazards
(Healthcare Ergonomics Systems and Patient Safety - International Conference, Strasbourg France, 2008)
Identifying risks in healthcare organization: the Tuscany region experience
(International Ergonomics Association congress, Maastricht, July 2006)
Organizing patient safety: the experience of the Tuscany's Clinical Risk Management Centre
(International Ergonomics Association congress, Maastricht, July 2006)
Ergonomics applied to adverse drug events prevention in acute care hospitals: the Integrated Theraputic Chart
(International Ergonomics Association congress, Maastricht, July 2006)
L'identificazione del rischio clinico nelle strutture sanitarie: l'esperienza toscana
(8° Congresso SIE, Milano, Febbraio 2006)
La scheda terapeutica unica: design ed ergonomia per la sicurezza del processo terapeutico
(8° Congresso SIE, Milano, Febbraio 2006)
Il packaging dei medicinali: il ruolo del design nella sicurezza del paziente
(8° Congresso SIE, Milano, Febbraio 2006)
A reporting and learning culture of medical failures in the healthcare system
(European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics Conference, Creta, 2005)
An organisational multi-level model for the analysis of failures in medicine the case of a fortuitous connection
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
The tuscany's model for clinical risk management
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
Making sense of risks a field study in an intensive care unit
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
Healthcare systems ergonomics and patient safety. Human factors, a bridge between care and cure
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
Wayfinding find your way in healthcare systems accessibility and welcoming
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
The design of artefacts in support of drugs prescribing. An analysis of the discharge process of patients based on activity theory
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
Patient data management systems & patient safety
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
The tasks and the context a prospective, process relating risk analysis at an intensive care unit
(Healthcare Ergonomics and Patient Safety - International Conference, Florence, 2005)
A Software to Ensure a Reporting and Learning Culture of Medical Errors at Hospital
(Work with Computing Systems, Kuala Lumpur, 2004)