Quaderno 80, 2, 2018 / Volume 80, Issue 2 (December), 2018
ISSN 0392 - 6753
La ricerca elettorale dell'Istituto Cattaneo. Continuità e cambiamento, interrogativi e metodi /The Istituto Cattaneo electoral research. Continuity and change, questions and methods - Piergiorgio Corbetta (University of Bologna) and Arturo M.L. Parisi (University of Bologna)
The present article relates the story of the electoral research project by Istituto Cattaneo since the early '60s up to 2001. It is a conceptual and methodological reenactment distinguishing three periods. A first phase (1958-1974) of quite exclusive attention payed to the continuity of both the political party system and the political behavior. A second phase (1975-1987) in which, under the pressure of electoral results strongly different from the past (i.e. referendum on divorce in 1974, regional election in 1075 and national election in 1976), studies were focused on cues of "change inside the continuity". Finally, in the third phase (1988-2001) the change - both on a structural and individual level - was the focus of scholars' attention. This transformation of the interpretative paradigms is view in relation to the research methods employed. Such methods progressively shifted from the ecological analysis of the vote based on official data of territorial aggregates to the analysis of self-reported individual behavior through surveys.
Le elezioni regionali in Sicilia del 5 novembre 2017 / The 2017 regional election in Sicily - Maurizio Cerruto (University of Calabria) and Marco La Bella (University of Catania)
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This article examines the outcome of the regional election held in Sicily on November 5, 2017. It was a victory for the center-right, which returns to power in the Region after the problematic term of the center-left president incumbent Rosario Crocetta. The center-right winner, Nello Musumeci, backed by a wide coalition but more right-oriented than in the past, has to be explained, on the one hand, with the low turnout - abstension reaching 53% - and, on the other hand, with the consolidation of the anti-establishment and protest movement Five Stars Movement (M5S) - which in 2017 increased its consensus of 12 percentage points to 2012 and remained the single biggest party in the Sicily's assembly. The election results show a polarization both in the government of the Region and in the opposition and a strong personalization of the electoral competition - this latter being a typical aspect of the elections in Sicily, whose evidence concerning this election's candidates is discussed in the article.
Il voto nei quartieri di Roma dal 2000 al 2018 /Elections in Rome districts from 2000 to 2018 - Federico Tomassi (Italian Agency for Territorial Cohesion)
Social and economic inequalities between the city centre and peripheral belts persist for many years in Rome districts, in parallel to the on-going suburban sprawl. That yields political effects too, since electoral results from 2000 to 2018 highlight sharp political polarization: votes for left-wing (right-wing or Five Star Movement) candidates are inversely (directly) proportional to distance from Capitoline Hill. Notably, in 2018 general election, the left-wing coalition prevailed in central districts only, where education levels and personal income are very high, and (even if only slightly) in historical periphery, where it keeps consensus on progressive, inclusive and liberal policies. The opposite holds for the new populist Five Star Movement, that prevailed in low-density periphery inside the Orbital, in far-off sprawled districts and in Ostia coastal area. However, the right-wing coalition won in Rome as a whole, by more homogeneous and even inter-classist consensus, and prevailed outside the Orbital thanks to the League, that had for the very first time many votes in the Roman peripheries. As a matter of facts, both right-wing and populist policies seem easier to the extent that suburban citizens feel deprived since harmed by economic crisis, unsafe and worried about immigrants, far from elected bodies, scarcely endowed with public services.
Le elezioni nel mondo / Elections in the World - (Stefano Rombi, University of Cagliari)
Le elezioni in Italia / Elections in Italy - (Davide Angelucci and Aldo Paparo - CISE)
1977-2018: Ottanta numeri dei quaderni dell'Osservatorio Elettorale